Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daily habits!

I know you all want to stalk me, and since the only thing I know how to say about myself are daily habits....

わたしは ごぜん10じに  おきます。 わたしは ごご11じ から ごぜん2じ まで べんきょします! わたしは ごぜん ごご8じ から 10じはん まで にほんご べんきょうします。 わたしは きのう 12じ から ごご1じ ひるやすみました。 2じはんに ねます。 はたらきませんでした。

なんじ ねますか? 

As far as frustrations go, I think I am having more difficulty now. It seems to me I learn better by reading and writing, so simply interacting with the CD is reaching it's limits. Now that we can read hiragana we are starting to do written exercises, which helps, but I look forward to doing more of these so that the things we've learned finally stick in my head.

じゃ また あした! 

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hello everyone,

My name is Matt. I am a first-year PhD student in French and Comparative Literature. One requirement for my degree is that I learn three foreign languages. I speak French and German, so I am studying Japanese to fulfill my last language requirement. I chose Japanese, because I wanted to challenge myself with a new writing system, and, though I have been reading East Asian literature (in translation) in my free time, I have not had much time to study it in school. Studying Japanese is one way to insure that I get exposed to the literature! I hope that eventually I will be able to read poetry/novels in Japanese, though that  might be optimistic... we'll see.

So far, no frustrations. It has been much easier to learn hiragana than I was expecting; the grammar is straightforward. I am looking forward to learning katakana and kanji so that I can truly begin to read Japanese.

See you soon,
わたし は まっと です。はじめまして!
わたし は コロンビアだいがくいん の がくせい です。わたし は あめりかじん です、わたし は ふらんすじん です。あめりか の バージニア から きました。わたし は にじゅさんさい です。

どうぞ よろしく!

じゃ また でわ らいしゅう!
