Monday, September 20, 2010


Hello everyone,

My name is Matt. I am a first-year PhD student in French and Comparative Literature. One requirement for my degree is that I learn three foreign languages. I speak French and German, so I am studying Japanese to fulfill my last language requirement. I chose Japanese, because I wanted to challenge myself with a new writing system, and, though I have been reading East Asian literature (in translation) in my free time, I have not had much time to study it in school. Studying Japanese is one way to insure that I get exposed to the literature! I hope that eventually I will be able to read poetry/novels in Japanese, though that  might be optimistic... we'll see.

So far, no frustrations. It has been much easier to learn hiragana than I was expecting; the grammar is straightforward. I am looking forward to learning katakana and kanji so that I can truly begin to read Japanese.

See you soon,


  1. Sorry that this computer doesn't support hiragana so I have to type in Romanized Japanese.

    konnichiwa! Nikuru desu. watashi mo nihongo no denki desu! That's great you haven't come across any frustrations so far; at this rate you'll be reading Japanese literature in no time!

  2. TAの おがたです。ぶんがく(literature)が すきなんですね。Do you have any recommendations? I love reading as well! But I have been away from Japanese literature for a while! Please let me know!
